our story

We started Great Service Forums in 2016 with a mission to lift the service & maintenance capabilities of union electrical contractors to a brand new level. We have created a much-acclaimed, ongoing program focused on successful management, business development, and sales networking for union contractors’ service departments.

Our leadership team is located in Pittsburgh, PA and our members extend across the USA.

Meet Our Leadership

Fred Sargent, President

Fred’s commitment to advancing service & maintenance in electrical contracting began in 1978, when Sargent Electric started a division dedicated to it, revealing the potential of “aftermarket” business in electrical construction.

Andrew McCoy, Professor-Virginia Tech

Andrew has enjoyed advancing research and education around service & maintenance for ECs since 2010, when he and Fred first started collaborating. This resulted in years of learning with the incredible people of Great Service Forums℠.

Mary Rose Dobrzanski, Executive Secretary

Mary Rose brings her talents to the team as the administrator of Great Service Forums℠. Mary Rose’s attention to detail and organizational skills are a big part of Great Service Forums℠ success.

“A peer-to-peer collaborative environment vital and unique in our industry.”